The Adventures of Uncle Jeremiah and Family at the Great Fair | Page 3

Charles McCellan Stevens
eyes and continued, "You see
Mary's man was all broke down, and he told Sarah to take the children
and he'd go wandering around the world for a year or two. Mary was
the only child we had living, and when she died I wanted to move away
from where she used to play when she was a little girl, so in two years I
got a good offer, and I sold out. All four of us went to see my sister in
the city, and somehow didn't tell nobody where we were going, but I
said I thought we would go on to California. Well, I found a stock farm
in Illinois, and after a while we went back to our old home visiting, and
the old neighbors told us a nice looking man had come soon after we
left, and was nearly distracted to find us gone. He advertised and spent

lots of money trying to find us, but at last went away broken-hearted.
Then I sent Sarah right to Ohio, but Mary's man had sold his big
clothing store, and some said he had gone to California, and others said
one place and another, but he couldn't be found. He never came back to
our old home place, nor to his old home place, for I've kept a writing
ever since. Somehow he had to give us up. It broke me all down, and
I've been doing all I could for the children. Fanny is getting a good
education, for our town has got to be a big one now, and has a fine
college in it; but I can't educate Johnny. He's always experimenting and
doing damage. Howsumever, he's a great trader, and I'm going to give
him a start some time. Why, I gave him a shote a month ago, and I
don't believe there is a sled or a jack-knife in the hull neighborhood any
more, for Johnny's got them in our garret, but the pig is gone.
"But say, Mr. Moses, you haven't said a word about your business yet,
and I've been a bragging about my farm and stock for half an hour."
"Don't worry about that, Mr. Jones. I haven't got much to tell. I'm a
traveling salesman for a Chicago house; and, like you, I intend to rest
up for a couple of weeks and see the Fair. I am happy to say that I stand
well with my firm, and I am to be taken in as the junior member soon.
The head of the firm has been the friend to whom I owe all my
advancement and advantage. I hope sometime to settle down into a
quiet business life and enjoy a home once more. Your talk takes me
back to my old Indiana home and its comforts."
"Ah, that's it, Mr. Moses, it is plain your parents have given your mind
a good mold. Here, newsboy, just bring over to me and Mr. Moses two
of your best five cent cigars and we'll go into the smoker and have a
smoke. I don't never smoke cigars, but these are extra days, and we can
afford the luxuries."
The idea seemed to amuse Mr. Moses, but he complied with the request
of the friendly farmer, and, with a good-natured wink at the newsboy,
took out a cigar and deftly stuck it into his pocket as he pulled out one
of his own.
Uncle could find no change and without more ado took out a roll of

bills from his breast pocket. The smallest bill was ten dollars but
neither Mr. Moses nor the boy could change it. One of the young men
across the aisle volunteered to help them out of the difficulty and
counted the change into Uncle's hand. Just then the newsboy's heel
struck Mr. Moses' foot sharply and there was a quick response. The
change went into one of Uncle's trouser's pockets and the roll of bills
into the other, when he and Mr. Moses went into the smoking car and
were soon behind a cloud of smoke.
The newsboy came in presently and there were a few whispered words
between him and Mr. Moses.
"Apples, pears, bananas, sweet oranges, here, five cents apiece."
There was no sale for anything eatable in the smoker just then and the
boy returned to the rear cars.
"You didn't notice when the gentleman across the aisle made change
for you that you got flim-flamed did you?"
"That I got what?" said Uncle.
"That you got flim-flamed. Did you count your change when that
young gent gave it to you? This is a money making occasion you know
and the gentry are on the make."
"Of course I counted the money. Nobody gets me that way."
"I'll bet a cigar that
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