The Act of Incorporation and the By-Laws of the Massachusetts Homeopathic Medical Society | Page 2

Massachusetts Homoeopathic Medical Society
and shall read, at the meetings of the Society, all such communications as the Executive Committee may direct. He shall notify the chairman of every committee appointed by the Society or Executive Committee, of his appointment, in each case stating the commission and the names of the committee. On or before the first of April, annually, he shall transmit to the Treasurer a list of all who have become members of the Society during the year.
VI. The Treasurer shall solicit and receive all money due to the Society, together with all bequests and donations; and shall pay all bills after they shall have been approved by the Executive Committee, which approval shall be certified to by the Recording Secretary. He shall keep an accurate account of all receipts and expenditures, and shall give such bonds for the faithful performance of his duties as the Society may require. He shall submit his accounts to such examination as the Executive Committee may direct; and shall annually make a statement of his doings, and of the state of the funds in his hands, to the Society.
VII. The Librarian shall have in his custody and charge all the books and apparatus of the Society. He shall keep an accurate register of the same, and arrange them in a proper manner; and shall make such disposition of them, from time to time, as the Executive Committee may direct for the benefit of the members. He shall receive and record all donations made in his department to the Society, and shall make a report at the annual meeting.
VIII. The Censors shall examine the qualifications of all persons presenting themselves for membership, and for that purpose shall hold meetings on the days of annual and semi-annual meetings, and at such other times as they may deem necessary. They shall report the names of all approved candidates for membership to the Executive Committee at least three months before their election as members by the Society.
IX. There shall be a Committee on the Materia Medica, who shall select medicines for proving; and shall, at the expense of the Society, obtain and distribute the same to its members, or such other persons as they may deem suitable. They shall receive and examine communications upon the materia medica from the members of the Society, and report thereon at any regular meeting.
X. There shall be a Committee on Clinical Medicine, who shall receive and examine communications proper to this department, and report thereon at any regular meeting. They shall also report upon any epidemics which may have occurred in the state or country during the year,--their characteristics, mode of treatment, and results; and such other facts relating to the practice of medicine as they may deem important.
XI. There shall be a Committee of Publication consisting of the President, Recording Secretary, and at least three other members, to whom all matter for Publication shall be referred, and under whose direction it shall be issued; the expense of which shall not exceed in any year a sum designated by the Executive Committee.
XII. There shall be a Committee of Arrangements whose duty shall be to make such arrangements as will add to the interest and importance of the annual and semi-annual meetings, such as selecting a suitable place for the meetings, soliciting communications, appointing subjects for discussion, providing refreshments for members, &c., subject to the direction of the Executive Committee.
XIII. There shall be a Committee on the Library, who shall select and obtain such books and publications as they may be able to, by donation, subscription, or purchase with funds set apart for that purpose by the Executive Committee or Society.
XIV. The Executive and all other Committees shall have power to fill their own vacancies.

XV. Any person who has received the degree of Doctor of Medicine from a legally authorized medical institution, who sustains a good moral character, and practices medicine in accordance with the maxim, "Similia similibus curantur," may become eligible to membership, after having been examined and approved by the Board of Censors. He shall be elected by ballot at the annual or semi-annual meeting, and, after his election, shall sign the By-laws before becoming a member.

XVI. Persons who have excelled, or made any great advancement in medical or other science, may be elected honorary members and physicians of eminence residing out of the State, may be elected corresponding members of the Society by a two-thirds vote of the members present at any stated meeting, provided the said person shall have been approved by the Executive Committee. Honorary and corresponding members shall be entitled to the diploma of the Society, and to participate in its proceedings in meetings devoted to scientific subjects.
XVII. Every member shall receive the diploma of the Society, signed by the President and Secretary, for which he
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