Sex-Ploytation - How Women Abuse Men Using Their Sexuality (A Must Read) afterdeath1009 projectw

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How Women Use Their Bodies to Extort Money from Men
Matthew Fitzgerald

Copyright 1999 Matthew Fitzgerald
April House Publishing 7223 South
Route 83, Suite 210 Willowbrook,
Illinois 60521-7561

This book represents the observations, opinions, and conclusions of its author, and is in
no way intended to proffer legal, medical, or ethical advice of any description. The author
and April House Publishing accept no responsibility whatsoever for any liabilities
incurred from the reading of this work.
All rights reserved. No part of this bo ok may be reproduced in any form or by any
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brief passages in review.
Requests for permission to make copies of any part of the work should be mailed to:
Permissions, April House Publishing, 7223 South Route 83, Suite 210, Willowbrook,
Illinois 60521-7561.
First Edition

ISBN 0-9669639-0-3
Library of Congress Cata log Card Number 98-94955

"We are never so defenseless against suffering as when we are in love.”-Sigmund Freud

"When my girlfriends and I go out at night we never take any money with us. All we
have to do is smile at some geek and he'll buy us drinks and dinner."-Overheard

"Half the job is in the discovery; the other half is having the courage to present the

"A woman's body is her fate.”-Old Adage

Esther Vilar, who first saw the light
And To
The Women of America,
who have been trying ever since to snuff it out.


Introduction vii

1. Manipulating Woman, Manipulated Man
2. Man on the Street 19
3. Isn't It Romantic 31
4. Man on the Street 47
5. I Am Woman, Hear Me Whore (The Failure of Feminism) 57
6. Man on the Street 83
7. Whore-Ror Stories 91
8. What Women Can Do 99
9. What Men Can Do 107
10. A Few Words 113

A Lexicon, 115
Bibliography 119


Twenty-five years ago, a remarkable book was published entitled The Manipulated Man.
Its author was Esther Vilar, an Argentin ian-born physician and psychologist, who had
emigrated from her native Buenos Aires to West Germany. From the vantage point of
such rich cultural experience, Vilar was in a unique position to cast a critical eye on the
social milieu of the 1960's and 70's; and because she had managed to disencumber herself
from the hypocrisy so natural to her gender, she was free to unleash her intelligence as a
ruthlessly honest critic of male/female relationships.
Although it was only a slim volume, The Mani pulated Man nevertheless packed the
wallop of a hand grenade. Vilar's crucial thesis was that women, by manipulating men
with sex, have conditioned them to respond like Pavlov's dogs, to be shackled into a
lifetime of subservience and slavery for the fulf illment of female desires. It was a cold-
blooded manipulation, indeed. To Vilar, th e typical American housewife was nothing
more than a parasitic prostitute living o ff the bounty of her husband's hard labor,
mercilessly goading him to make more money so that she could enjoy the finer things in
life without any expenditure of effort on her part. In her words: "Women live an animal
existence. They like eating, drinking, sleepi ng-even sex, providing there is nothing to do
and no real effort is required of them."
Extreme though her conclusions appeared to be, nevertheless Vilar had hit her target dead
center. Predictably enough, the book touched o ff a furor of controversy and female rage
(it was vilified as a textb ook of misogyny). Women's age-old scam of trading sex for
food and shelter, so long whitewashed by t acit societal approval, had been suddenly
spotlighted under the stark glare of public scrutiny. Women protested; Vilar was
condemned as a traitor to her gender; copi es of the book were confiscated and burned by
threatened wives and girlfriends. The female con game had been at last exposed, and the
truth burned like th e slash of a knife.
The late 60's and early 70's was an era of abrupt and tumultuous cultural change, and
Vilar might have thought she had touche d a nerve in younger readers. Giddily
empowered by a reckless interpretation of the new fad of feminism, women began to
burn their bras and to clamor for better jobs and pay equal to their male counterparts. The
invention of the birth control pill freed them to experiment
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