Hippolytus/The Bacchae | Page 2

Hippolytus, child of that dead Amazon, And reared
by saintly Pittheus in his own Strait ways, hath dared, alone of all
Trozên, To hold me least of spirits and most mean, And spurns my
spell and seeks no woman's kiss, But great Apollo's sister, Artemis, He
holds of all most high, gives love and praise, And through the wild dark
woods for ever strays, He and the Maid together, with swift hounds To
slay all angry beasts from out these bounds, To more than mortal
friendship consecrate!
I grudge it not. No grudge know I, nor hate; Yet, seeing he hath
offended, I this day Shall smite Hippolytus. Long since my way Was
opened, nor needs now much labour more.
For once from Pittheus' castle to the shore Of Athens came Hippolytus
over-seas Seeking the vision of the Mysteries. And Phaedra there, his
father's Queen high-born; Saw him, and as she saw, her heart was torn
With great love, by the working of my will. And for his sake, long
since, on Pallas' hill, Deep in the rock, that Love no more might roam,
She built a shrine, and named it _Love-at-home_: And the rock held it,
but its face alway Seeks Trozên o'er the seas. Then came the day When
Theseus, for the blood of kinsmen shed, Spake doom of exile on
himself, and fled, Phaedra beside him, even to this Trozên. And here
that grievous and amazed Queen, Wounded and wondering, with ne'er a
word, Wastes slowly; and her secret none hath heard Nor dreamed.
But never thus this love shall end! To Theseus' ear some whisper will I
send, And all be bare! And that proud Prince, my foe, His sire shall
slay with curses. Even so Endeth that boon the great Lord of the Main
To Theseus gave, the Three Prayers not in vain.
And she, not in dishonour, yet shall die. I would not rate this woman's
pain so high As not to pay mine haters in full fee That vengeance that
shall make all well with me.
But soft, here comes he, striding from the chase, Our Prince
Hippolytus!--I will go my ways.-- And hunters at his heels: and a loud
throng Glorying Artemis with praise and song! Little he knows that

Hell's gates opened are, And this his last look on the great Day-star!
[APHRODITE _withdraws, unseen by_ HIPPOLYTUS _and a band of
huntsmen, who enter from the left, singing. They pass the Statue of_
APHRODITE _without notice._]
HIPPOLYTUS Follow, O follow me, Singing on your ways Her in
whose hand are we, Her whose own flock we be, The Zeus-Child, the
Heavenly; To Artemis be praise!
HUNTSMAN Hail to thee, Maiden blest, Proudest and holiest: God's
Daughter, great in bliss, Leto-born, Artemis! Hail to thee, Maiden, far
Fairest of all that are, Yea, and most high thine home, Child of the
Father's hall; Hear, O most virginal, Hear, O most fair of all, In high
God's golden dome.
[The huntsmen have gathered about the altar of ARTEMIS.
HIPPOLYTUS _now advances from them, and approaches the Statue
with a wreath in his hand._]
HIPPOLYTUS To thee this wreathed garland, from a green And virgin
meadow bear I, O my Queen, Where never shepherd leads his grazing
ewes Nor scythe has touched. Only the river dews Gleam, and the
spring bee sings, and in the glade Hath Solitude her mystic garden
made. No evil hand may cull it: only he Whose heart hath known the
heart of Purity, Unlearned of man, and true whate'er befall. Take
therefore from pure hands this coronal, O mistress loved, thy golden
hair to twine. For, sole of living men, this grace is mine, To dwell with
thee, and speak, and hear replies Of voice divine, though none may see
thine eyes. Oh, keep me to the end in this same road! [An OLD
HUNTSMAN, _who has stood apart from the rest, here comes up to_
HUNTSMAN My Prince--for "Master" name I none but God-- Gave I
good counsel, wouldst thou welcome it?
HIPPOLYTUS Right gladly, friend; else were I poor of wit.
HUNTSMAN Knowest thou one law, that through the world has won?
HIPPOLYTUS What wouldst thou? And how runs thy law? Say on.
HUNTSMAN It hates that Pride that speaks not all men fair!
HIPPOLYTUS And rightly. Pride breeds hatred everywhere.
HUNTSMAN And good words love, and grace in all men's sight?
HIPPOLYTUS Aye, and much gain withal, for trouble slight.
HUNTSMAN How deem'st thou of the Gods? Are they the same?

HIPPOLYTUS Surely: we are but fashioned on their frame.
HUNTSMAN Why then wilt thou be proud, and worship not ...
HIPPOLYTUS Whom? If the name be speakable, speak out!
HUNTSMAN She stands here at thy gate: the Cyprian Queen!
HIPPOLYTUS I greet her from afar: my
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