Gargantua and Pantagruel | Page 2

François Rabelais
in a salad

Chapter 1.
XXXIX.--How the Monk was feasted by Gargantua, and of the jovial discourse they had at supper

Chapter 1.
XL.--Why monks are the outcasts of the world; and wherefore some have bigger noses than others

Chapter 1.
XLI.--How the Monk made Gargantua sleep, and of his hours and breviaries

Chapter 1.
XLII.--How the Monk encouraged his fellow-champions, and how he hanged upon a tree

Chapter 1.
XLIII.--How the scouts and fore-party of Picrochole were met with by Gargantua, and how the Monk slew Captain Drawforth, and then was taken prisoner by his enemies

Chapter 1.
XLIV.--How the Monk rid himself of his keepers, and how Picrochole's forlorn hope was defeated

Chapter 1.
XLV.--How the Monk carried along with him the Pilgrims, and of the good words that Grangousier gave them

Chapter 1.
XLVI.--How Grangousier did very kindly entertain Touchfaucet his prisoner

Chapter 1.
XLVII.--How Grangousier sent for his legions, and how Touchfaucet slew Rashcalf, and was afterwards executed by the command of Picrochole

Chapter 1.
XLVIII.--How Gargantua set upon Picrochole within the rock Clermond, and utterly defeated the army of the said Picrochole

Chapter 1.
XLIX.--How Picrochole in his flight fell into great misfortunes, and what Gargantua did after the battle

Chapter 1.
L.--Gargantua's speech to the vanquished

Chapter 1.
LI.--How the victorious Gargantuists were recompensed after the battle

Chapter 1.
LII.--How Gargantua caused to be built for the Monk the Abbey of Theleme

Chapter 1.
LIII.--How the abbey of the Thelemites was built and endowed

Chapter 1.
LIV.--The inscription set upon the great gate of Theleme

Chapter 1.
LV.--What manner of dwelling the Thelemites had

Chapter 1.
LVI.--How the men and women of the religious order of Theleme were apparelled

Chapter 1.
LVII.--How the Thelemites were governed, and of their manner of living

Chapter 1.
LVIII.--A prophetical Riddle

For the Reader
Mr. Hugh Salel to Rabelais
The Author's Prologue

Chapter 2.
I.--Of the original and antiquity of the great Pantagruel

Chapter 2.
II.--Of the nativity of the most dread and redoubted Pantagruel

Chapter 2.
III.--Of the grief wherewith Gargantua was moved at the decease of his wife Badebec

Chapter 2.
IV.--Of the infancy of Pantagruel

Chapter 2.
V.--Of the acts of the noble Pantagruel in his youthful age

Chapter 2.
VI.--How Pantagruel met with a Limousin, who too affectedly did counterfeit the French language

Chapter 2.
VII.--How Pantagruel came to Paris, and of the choice books of the Library of St. Victor

Chapter 2.
VIII.--How Pantagruel, being at Paris, received letters from his father Gargantua, and the copy of them

Chapter 2.
IX.--How Pantagruel found Panurge, whom he loved all his lifetime

Chapter 2.
X.--How Pantagruel judged so equitably of a controversy, which was wonderfully obscure and difficult, that, by reason of his just decree therein, he was reputed to have a most admirable judgment

Chapter 2.
XI.--How the Lords of Kissbreech and Suckfist did plead before Pantagruel without an attorney

Chapter 2.
XII.--How the Lord of Suckfist pleaded before Pantagruel

Chapter 2.
XIII.--How Pantagruel gave judgment upon the difference of the two lords

Chapter 2.
XIV.--How Panurge related the manner how he escaped out of the hands of the Turks

Chapter 2.
XV.--How Panurge showed a very new way to build the walls of Paris

Chapter 2.
XVI.--Of the qualities and conditions of Panurge

Chapter 2.
XVII.--How Panurge gained the pardons, and married the old women, and of the suit in law which he had at Paris

Chapter 2.
XVIII.--How a great scholar of England would have argued against Pantagruel, and was overcome by Panurge

Chapter 2.
XIX.--How Panurge put to a nonplus the Englishman that argued by signs

Chapter 2.
XX.--How Thaumast relateth the virtues and knowledge of Panurge

Chapter 2.
XXI.--How Panurge was in love with a lady of Paris

Chapter 2.
XXII.--How Panurge served a Parisian lady a trick that pleased her not very well

Chapter 2.
XXIII.--How Pantagruel departed from Paris, hearing news that the Dipsodes had invaded the land of the Amaurots; and the cause wherefore the leagues are so short in France

Chapter 2.
XXIV.--A letter which a messenger brought to Pantagruel from a lady of Paris, together with the exposition of a posy written in a gold ring

Chapter 2.
XXV.--How Panurge, Carpalin, Eusthenes, and Epistemon, the gentlemen attendants of Pantagruel, vanquished and discomfited six hundred and threescore horsemen very cunningly

Chapter 2.
XXVI.--How Pantagruel and his company were weary in eating still salt meats; and how Carpalin went a-hunting to have some venison

Chapter 2.
XXVII.--How Pantagruel set up one trophy in memorial of their valour, and Panurge another in remembrance of the hares. How Pantagruel likewise with his farts begat little men, and with his fisgs little women; and how Panurge broke a great staff over two glasses

Chapter 2.
XXVIII.--How Pantagruel got the victory very strangely over the Dipsodes and the Giants

Chapter 2.
XXIX.--How Pantagruel discomfited the three hundred giants armed with free-stone, and Loupgarou their captain

Chapter 2.
XXX.--How Epistemon, who had his head cut off, was finely healed by Panurge, and of the news which he brought from the devils, and of the damned people in hell

Chapter 2.
XXXI.--How Pantagruel entered into the city of the Amaurots, and how Panurge married King Anarchus to an old lantern-carrying hag, and made him a crier of green sauce

Chapter 2.
XXXII.--How Pantagruel with his tongue covered a whole army, and what the author saw in his mouth

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