- Sex - Another Sex Tutorial | Page 2

Not Available
the 1993
International AIDS Conference in Berlin. AZT is neither as good as its m\
claims, nor is it as bad as AIDS activists have alleged. In combination \
with other drugs
(see "cocktail"), it can be helpful in slowing the progress of HIV/AID\
S. It definitely helps to
cut down on the transmission of perinatal AIDS.

B cells (B lymphocytes): One of the immune system's cell types; B cells fight infection
primarily by making antibodies. During the time of infection, these cell\
s are transformed
into factories that make thousands of antibodies against the foreign ant\
Behavior intervention/modification programs: Education programs designed to
change a specific behavior. Behavior modification generally does this by\
targeting a very
specific, observable behavior and then reinforce a series of small chang\
es in behavior
until the desired behavior is established.
Bisexual: Having sex with both men and women. Many teens experiment with members \
of the same sex out of curiosity.

CD4 (T4): The protein imbedded on the surface of T-helper cells to which HIV atta\
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9:18:25 PM]

another sex tutorial - GLOSSARY of HIV & AIDS
itself and through which it first enters the cells.
CD8 (T8): A protein embedded in the cell surface of T-suppresser cells.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): Best known as the CDC, this
preeminent federal public health agency is a branch of the Public Health\
Service that is
directly involved with the HIV/AIDS epidemic. It is based in Atlanta, Ge\
Celibate: Choosing to abstain from any sexual activity. It is often presented as \
scripture for many religious orders, and less often for unmarried people\
; a prevention
techniques for HIV/AIDS.
Chronic: Continuous or ongoing -- As PWAs live longer, HIV/AIDS is becoming a ch\
Clades: "Families of a viral strain." Presently there are seven known clades of\
HIV but
more are expected to be found.
Clinical trial: A test to see how well a new drug works on people (under tight governm\
and clinical supervision.)
Combination therapy: The use of two or more drugs as treatment. Also, the use of two
or more types of treatment in combination, alternatively or together.
Commercial sex workers (CSWs): Common medical/epidemiological term for people
(usually females, but also males) who engage in prostitution (sex for\
money) as
Comprehensive sex ed health: Offers full and complete information on the sexual
transmission of HIV/AIDS; nothing is deleted.
Condom: A prophylactic barrier a man wears on his penis for sexual intercourse.\
not 100 percent effective, its use is recommended by most AIDS preventio\
n professionals
as an aid to prevent HIV transmission.
Cytokines: Proteins produced by white blood cells that act as chemical messengers \
between cells to mediate immune response. CD8 (T-suppresser) cells rel\
ease a cytokine
that appears to block HIV replication in infected cells, at least until \
the advanced stage of
HIV disease.
Cytotoxic: Term used to describe something which damages or kills cells. Also used\
the name of a type of T cell.

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9:18:25 PM]

another sex tutorial - GLOSSARY of HIV & AIDS
DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid): A double strand of nucleotides (chemical building blocks)
that contain genetic information.
Elisa (also ELISA): One of the first blood assay tests developed (by Abbott Labs in
1984) to test for HIV antibodies in the blood.
Epidemic: A contagious disease that spreads rapidly among many individuals in an \
such as a province or country (see pandemic).
Experimental drug: A drug that has not been approved for use as a treatment but is
being tested.
Female condom: A new prophylactic (latex and plastic) barrier that women put inside \
vagina before sexual intercourse.

Gamma globulin (IgG): The portion of the plasma that contains antibodies.
Gay: Term commonly used to describe men who have sex with men exclusively (\
homosexual, also lesbian).
Gp120: A piece of HIV that can cause damage to the immune system and other par\
ts of
the body. Gp120 is the foundation for several new vaccines.
Helper-suppresser ratio: The ratio of T-helper cells to T-suppresser cells. In people with
HIV this ratio becomes increasingly inverted over time as T-helper cells\
become less.
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another sex tutorial - GLOSSARY of HIV & AIDS
Helper cells (T4, CD4): See T-helper cells.
Hemophilia: An inherited disease that prevents the normal clotting of blood. Many o\
f the
first wave of HIV/AIDS infected people were hemophiliacs who received co\
blood supplies.
Hepatitis B (HBV): A viral liver disease that can be acute, chronic, and even life-
threatening, particularly in people with poor immune resistance.
Heterosexual: Men who have sex with women; women who have sex with men (also
referred to as "straight").
High risk behavior: Behaviors that are the most likely to lead to infection: unprotected
sex (anal, vaginal, sometimes oral); using contaminated needles/sharin\
g syringes;
coming in ultimate contact with bodily fluids (blood, semen, vaginal fl\
uids, and perhaps,
although not usually, saliva).
HIV disease: A term used to describe a variety
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