Tom Cringles Log | Page 2

Michael Scott
I am
informed; so I congratulate you on his good fortune in beginning his
career, in which I wish him all success, under such favourable auspices.
As the boy is, I presume, all ready, you had better send him down on
Thursday next, at latest, as the frigate will go to sea, wind and weather
permitting, positively on Sunday morning."
"I remain, my dear Madam,"
"Yours very faithfully,"
However much I had been moved by my mother's grief, my false pride
came to my assistance, and my first impulse was to chant a verse of
some old tune, in a most doleful manner. "All right--all right," I then
exclaimed, as I thrust half a doubled up muffin into my gob, but it was
all chew, chew, and no swallow--not a morsel could I force down my

parched throat, which tightened like to throttle me.
Old Nicodemus had by this time again entered the room, unseen and
unheard, and startled me confoundedly, as he screwed his words in his
sharp cracked voice into my larboard ear. "Jane tells me your mamma
is in a sad taking, Master Tom. You ben't going to leave us, all on a
heap like, be you? Surely your stay until your sister comes from your
uncle Job's? You know there are only two on ye--You won't leave the
old lady all alone, Master Thomas, win ye?' The worthy old fellow's
voice quavered here, and the tears hopped over his old cheeks through
the flour and tallow like peas, as he slowly drew a line down the
forehead of his well--powdered pate, with his fore--finger.
"No--no--why, yes," exclaimed I, fairly overcome; "that is--oh Nic, Nic
you old fool, I wish I could cry, man--I wish I could cry!" and
straightway I hied me to my chamber, and wept until I thought my very
heart would have burst.
In my innocence and ignorance, child as I was, I had looked forward to
several months preparation; to buying and fitting of uniforms, and dirks,
and cocked hat, and swaggering therein, to my own great glory, and the
envy of all my young relations; and especially I desired to parade my
fire--new honours before the large dark eyes of my darling little creole
cousin, Mary Palma; whereas I was now to be bundled on board, at a
few days warning, out of a ready--made furnishing shop, with lots of
illmade, glossy, hard mangled duck trowsers, the creases as sharp as the
backs of knives, and--"oh, it never rains, but it pours," exclaimed I;
"surely all this promptitude is a little de plus in Sir Barnaby."
However, away I was trundled at the time appointed, with an aching
heart, to Portsmouth, after having endured the misery of a first parting
from a fond mother, and a host of kind friends; but, miserable as I was,
according to my preconceived determination, I began my journal the
very day I arrived, that nothing connected with so great a man should
be lost, and most weighty did the matters therein related appear to me
at the time; but seen through the long vista of, I won't say how many
years, I really must confess that the Log, for long long after I first went
to sea in the Breeze, and subsequently when removed to the old
Kraaken line--of--battle ship, both of which were constantly part of
blockading squadrons, could be compared to nothing more fitly than a
dish of trifle, anciently called syllabub, with a stray plum here and there

scattered at the bottom. But when, after several weary years, I got away
in the dear old Torch, on a separate cruise, incidents came fast enough
with a vengeance--stem, unyielding, iron events, as I found to my
heavy cost, which spoke out trumpet--tongued and fiercely for
themselves, and whose tremendous simplicity required no adventitious
aid in the narration to thrill through the hearts of others. So, to avoid
yarn--spinning, I shall evaporate my early Logs, and blow off as much
of the froth as I can, in order to present the residuum free of flummery
to the reader--just to give him a taste here and there, as it were, of the
sort of animal I was at that time. Thus:
Thomas Cringle, his log--book.
Arrived in Portsmouth by the Defiance at ten, A.M. on such a day.
Waited on the Commissioner, to whom I had letters, and said I was
appointed to the Breeze. Same day, went on board and took up my
berth; stifling hot; mouldy biscuit; and so on. My mother's list makes it
fifteen shirts, whereas I only have twelve.
Admiral made the signal to weigh, wind at S.W. fresh and squally.
Stockings should be one dozen worsted, three of cotton, two of silk;
find only half a dozen worsted,
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