The Beggars Opera | Page 4

John Gay
as to bring her off.
PEACHUM. As the Wench is very active and industrious, you may
satisfy her that I'll soften the Evidence.
FILCH. Tom Gagg, Sir, is found guilty.
PEACHUM. A lazy Dog! When I took him the time before, I told him
what he would come to if he did not mend his Hand. This is Death
without Reprieve. I may venture to Book him [writes.] For Tom Gagg,
forty Pounds. Let Betty Sly know that I'll save her from Transportation,
for I can get more by her staying in England.
FILCH. Betty hath brought more Goods into our Lock to-year than any
five of the Gang; and in truth, 'tis a pity to lose so good a Customer.
PEACHUM. If none of the Gang take her off, she may, in the common
course of Business, live a Twelve-month longer. I love to let Women
scape. A good Sportsman always lets the Hen Partridges fly, because
the Breed of the Game depends upon them. Besides, here the Law
allows us no Reward; there is nothing to be got by the Death of
Women--except our Wives.
FILCH. Without dispute, she is a fine Woman! 'Twas to her I was
obliged for my Education, and (to say a bold Word) she hath trained up
more young Fellows to the Business than the Gaming table.
PEACHUM. Truly, Filch, thy Observation is right. We and the
Surgeons are more beholden to Women than all the Professions
AIR II. The bonny gray-ey'd Morn, &c.

FILCH. 'Tis Woman that seduces all Mankind, By her we first were
taught the wheedling Arts: Her very Eyes can cheat; when most she's
kind, She tricks us of our Money with our Hearts. For her, like Wolves
by Night we roam for Prey, And practise ev'ry Fraud to bribe her
Charms; For Suits of Love, like Law, are won by Pay, And Beauty
must be fee'd into our Arms.
PEACHUM. But make haste to Newgate, Boy, and let my Friends
know what I intend; for I love to make them easy one way or other.
FILCH. When a Gentleman is long kept in suspence, Penitence may
break his Spirit ever after. Besides, Certainty gives a Man a good Air
upon his Trial, and makes him risk another without Fear or Scruple.
But I'll away, for 'tis a Pleasure to be the Messenger of Comfort to
Friends in Affliction.
[Exit Filch.]
PEACHUM. But 'tis now high time to look about me for a decent
Execution against next Sessions. I hate a lazy Rogue, by whom one can
get nothing 'till he is hang'd. A Register of the Gang, [Reading.]
Crook-finger'd Jack. A Year and a half in the Service; Let me see how
much the Stock owes to his industry; one, two, three, four, five Gold
Watches, and seven Silver ones. A mighty clean- handed Fellow!
Sixteen Snuff-boxes, five of them of true Gold. Six Dozen of
Handkerchiefs, four silver-hilted Swords, half a Dozen of Shirts, three
Tye-Periwigs, and a Piece of Broad-Cloth. Considering these are only
the Fruits of his leisure Hours, I don't know a prettier Fellow, for no
Man alive hath a more engaging Presence of Mind upon the Road. Wat
Dreary, alias Brown Will, an irregular Dog, who hath an underhand
way of disposing of his Goods. I'll try him only for a Sessions or two
longer upon his Good-behaviour. Harry Paddington, a poor
petty-larceny Rascal, without the least Genius; that Fellow, though he
were to live these six Months, will never come to the Gallows with any
Credit. Slippery Sam; he goes off the next Sessions, for the Villain hath
the Impudence to have Views of following his Trade as a Tailor, which
he calls an honest Employment. Mat of the Mint; listed not above a
Month ago, a promising sturdy Fellow, and diligent in his way;
somewhat too bold and hasty, and may raise good Contributions on the
Public, if he does not cut himself short by Murder. Tom Tipple, a
guzzling soaking Sot, who is always too drunk to stand himself, or to

make others stand. A Cart is absolutely necessary for him. Robin of
Bagshot, alias Gorgon, alias Bluff Bob, alias Carbuncle, alias Bob
[Enter Mrs. Peachum.]
MRS. PEACHUM. What of Bob Booty, Husband? I hope nothing bad
hath betided him. You know, my Dear, he's a favourite Customer of
mine. 'Twas he made me a present of this Ring.
PEACHUM. I have set his Name down in the Black List, that's all, my
Dear; he spends his Life among Women, and as soon as his Money is
gone, one or other of the Ladies will hang him for the Reward, and
there's forty Pound lost to us for-ever.
MRS. PEACHUM. You know, my Dear, I never meddle in matters of
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