Masters of Space - Morse, Thompson, Bell, Marconi, Carty | Page 2

Walter Kellogg Towers
for they
have all worked for a similar end. The story of these men, who, starting
in early youth in the pursuit of a great idea, have achieved fame and
success and have benefited civilization, cannot but be inspiring. They
did not stumble upon their discoveries by any lucky accident. They
knew what they sought, and they labored toward the goal with
unflagging zeal. Had they been easily discouraged we might still be
dependent upon the semaphore and the pony express for the
transmission of news. But they persevered until success was attained,
and in the account of their struggle to success every one may find
encouragement in facing his own tasks.
One can scarce overestimate the value of modern methods of
communication to the world. So much of our development has been
more or less directly dependent upon it that it is difficult to fancy our

situation without the telegraph and telephone. The diligence with which
the ancients sought speedy methods for the sending of messages
demonstrates the human need for them. The solution of this great
problem, though long delayed, came swiftly, once it was begun.
Even the simple facts regarding "Masters of Space" and their lives of
struggle and accomplishment in sending messages between distant
points form an inspiring story of great achievement.


Signaling the Fall of Troy--Marine Signaling among the
Argonauts--Couriers of the Greeks, Romans, and
Aztecs--Sound-signaling--Stentorophonic Tube--The Shouting
Sentinels--The Clepsydra--Signal Columns--Indian Fire and Smoke
It was very early in the history of the world that man began to feel the
urgent need of communicating with man at a distance. When village
came into friendly contact with village, when nations began to form
and expand, the necessity of sending intelligence rapidly and
effectively was clearly realized. And yet many centuries passed without
the discovery of an effective system. Those discoveries were to be
reserved for the thinkers of our age.
We can understand the difficulties that beset King Agamemnon as he
stood at the head of his armies before the walls of Troy. Many were the
messages he would want to send to his native kingdom in Greece
during the progress of the siege. Those at home would be eager for
news of the great enterprise. Many contingencies might arise which
would make the need for aid urgent. Certainly Queen Clytemnestra
eagerly awaited word of the fall of the city. Yet the slow progress of
couriers must be depended upon.
One device the king hit upon which was such as any boy might devise
to meet the simplest need. "If I can go skating tonight," says Johnny
Jones to his chum, "I'll put a light in my window." Such is the simple
device which has been used to bear the simplest message for ages. So

King Agamemnon ordered beacon fires laid on the tops of Mount Ida,
Mount Athos, Mount Cithæron, and on intervening eminences. Beside
them he placed watchers who were always to have their faces toward
Troy. When Troy fell a near-by fire was kindled, and beacon after
beacon sprang into flame on the route toward Greece. Thus was the
message of the fall of Troy quickly borne to the waiting queen by this
preconceived arrangement. Yet neither King Agamemnon nor his
sagest counselors could devise an effective system for expediting their
Prearranged signals were used to convey news in even earlier times.
Fire, smoke, and flags were used by the Egyptians and the Assyrians
previous to the Trojan War. The towers along the Chinese Wall were
more than watch-towers; they were signal-towers. A flag or a light
exhibited from tower to tower would quickly convey a certain message
agreed upon in advance. Human thought required a system which could
convey more than one idea, and yet skill in conveying news grew
Perhaps the earliest example of marine signaling of which we know is
recorded of the Argonautic Expedition. Theseus devised the use of
colored sails to convey messages from ship to ship of the fleet, and
caused the death of his father by his failure to handle the signals
properly. Theseus sailed into conflict with the enemy with black sails
set, a signal of battle and of death. With the battle over and himself the
victor, he forgot to lower the black flag and set the red flag of victory.
His father, the aged Ægeus, seeing the black flag, believed it reported
his son's death, and, flinging himself into the sea, was drowned.
In time it occurred to the great monarchs as their domains extended to
establish relays of couriers to bear the messages which must be carried.
Such systems were established by the Greeks, the Romans, and the
Aztecs. Each courier would run the length of his own route and
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