Lady Hester | Page 3

Charlotte Mary Yonge
theirs, where there was a
young hunter who often visited them, and was on friendly terms. When
he found that there was a white woman living as a captive among them,
he spared no effort to rescue her. Both he and she were often in
exceeding danger; but he contrived her escape at last, and brought her
through the woods to a place of safety, and there her child was born.
It was over the American frontier, and it was long before she could
write to her husband. She never knew what became of her letter, but the
hunter friend, Piers Dayman, showed her an American paper which
mentioned Captain Trevor among the officers killed in their attack.
Dayman was devoted to her, and insisted on marrying her, and bringing
up her daughter as his own. I fancy she was a woman of gentle passive
temper, and had been crushed and terrified by all she had gone through,
so as to have little instinct left but that of clinging to the protector who
had taken her up when she had lost everything else; and she married
him. Nor did Hester guess till that very day that Piers Dayman was not
her father!

There were other children, sons who have given themselves to hunting
and trapping in the Hudson's Bay Company's territory; but Hester
remained the only daughter, and they educated her well, sending her to
a convent at Montreal, where she learnt a good many accomplishments.
They were not Roman Catholics; but it was the only way of getting an
Dayman must have been a warm-hearted, tenderly affectionate person.
Hester loved him very much. But he had lived a wild sportsman's life,
and never was happy at rest. They changed home often; and at last he
was snowed up and frozen to death, with one of his boys, on a bear
hunting expedition.
Not very long after, Hester married this sturdy American, Joel Lea,
who had bought some land on the Canadian side of the border, and her
mother came home to live with them. They had been married four or
five years, but none of their children had lived.
So it was when the discovery came upon poor old Mrs. Dayman (I do
not know what else to call her), that Fulk Torwood Trevor, the husband
of her youth, was not dead, but was Earl of Trevorsham; married, and
the father of four children in England.
Poor old thing! She would have buried her secret to the last, as much in
pity and love to him as in shame and grief for herself; and
consideration, too, for the sons, for whom the discovery was only less
bad than for us, as they had less to lose. Hester herself hardly fully
understood what it all involved, and it only gradually grew on her.
That winter her mother fell ill, and Mr. Lea felt it right that the small
property she had had for her life should be properly secured to her sons,
according to the division their father had intended. So a lawyer was
brought from Montreal and her will was made. Thus another person
knew about it, and he was much struck, and explained to Hester that
she was really a lady of rank, and probably the only child of her father
who had any legal claim to his estates. Lea, with a good deal of the old
American Republican temper, would not be stirred up. He despised
lords and ladies, and would none of it; but the lawyer held that it would

be doing wrong not to preserve the record. Hester had grown excited,
and seconded him; and one day, when Lea was out, the lawyer brought
a magistrate to take Mrs. Dayman's affidavit as to all her past
history--marriage witnesses and all. She was a good deal overcome and
agitated, and quite implored Hester never to use the knowledge against
her father; but she must have been always a passive, docile being, and
they made her tell all that was wanted, and sign her deposition, as she
had signed her will, as Faith Trevor, commonly known as Faith
She did not live many days after. It was on the 3rd of February, 1836,
that she died; and in the course of the summer Hester had a son, who
throve as none of her babies had done.
Then she lay and brooded over him and the rights she fancied he was
deprived of, till she worked herself up to a strong and fixed purpose,
and insisted upon making all known to her father. Now that her mother
was gone she persuaded herself that he had been a cruel, faithless tyrant,
who had wilfully deserted his young wife.
Joel Lea would not listen to her. Why should she wish
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