Heroes Every Child Should Know | Page 4

Hamilton Wright Mabie
give the narrative clear connection and completeness. In the preparation of the material for the volume the intelligence and skill of Miss Kate Stephens have been so freely used that she is entitled to the fullest recognition as associate editor.
H. W. M.

The editor and publishers wish to extend their thanks and acknowledgment to the firms who have kindly permitted the use of material in this volume:
To The Macmillan Co. for selections from "Heroes of Chivalry and Romance," "Stories of Charlemagne and the Peers of France," "Old English History," "The Crusaders," "Father Damien: A Journey from Cashmere to His Home in Hawaii"; to Thomas Nelson & Son for material from "Martyrs and Saints of the First Twelve Centuries"; to J. M. Dent & Co. for selections from "Stories from Le Morte d'Arthur and The Mabinogion" in the Temple Classics for Young People; to E. P. Dutton & Co. for material from "Chronicle of the Cid"; to Longmans, Green & Co. for material from "The Book of Romance"; to John C. Winston Co. for material from "Stories from History"; to Lothrop, Lee & Shepard for material from "The True Story of Abraham Lincoln."

I. PERSEUS. Adapted from "The Heroes," by Charles Kingsley
II. HERCULES. By Kate Stephens
III. DANIEL. From Book of Daniel, Chapter vi., Verses 1 to 24
IV. DAVID. From I. Book of Samuel, Chapter xvii
V. ST. GEORGE. Adapted from "Martyrs and Saints of the First Twelve Centuries," by Mrs. E. Rundle Charles
VI. KING ARTHUR. Adapted from "Stories from Le Morte d'Arthur and the Mabinogion," by Beatrice Clay
VII. SIR GALAHAD. Adapted from "Stories from Le Morte d'Arthur and the Mabinogion," by Beatrice Clay; followed by "Sir Galahad," by Alfred Tennyson
VIII. SIEGFRIED. Adapted from "Heroes of Chivalry and Romance," by A. J. Church
IX. ROLAND. Adapted from "Stories of Charlemagne and the Peers of France," by A. J. Church
X. KING ALFRED. Adapted from "Old English History," by E. A. Freeman
XI. THE CID. Adapted from "Chronicle of the Cid," from the Spanish, by Robert Southey
XII. ROBIN HOOD. Adapted from "Book of Romance," edited by Andrew Lang; including a version of the popular ballad, "Robin Hood and the Butcher"
XIII. RICHARD THE LION-HEARTED. Adapted from "The Crusaders," by A. J. Church
XIV. SAINT Louis. Adapted from "The Crusaders," by A. J. Church
XV. WILLIAM TELL. Adapted from "Stories from History," by Agnes Strickland
XVI. ROBERT BRUCE. Adapted from "Tales of a Grandfather from Scottish History," by Sir Walter Scott
XVII. GEORGE WASHINGTON. Adapted from "Recollections and Private Memoirs of Washington," by G. W. Parke Custis
XVIII. ROBERT E. LEE. From "Letters and Recollections of General Lee," by Captain Robert E. Lee
XIX. ABRAHAM: LINCOLN. Adapted from "The True Story of Abraham Lincoln," by Elbridge S. Brooks
XX. FATHER DAMIEN. Adapted from "Father Damien: A Journey from Cashmere to His Home in Hawaii," by Edward Clifford

If there had been no real heroes there would have been created imaginary ones, for men cannot live without them. The hero is just as necessary as the farmer, the sailor, the carpenter and the doctor; society could not get on without him. There have been a great many different kinds of heroes, for in every age and among every people the hero has stood for the qualities that were most admired and sought after by the bravest and best; and all ages and peoples have imagined or produced heroes as inevitably as they have made ploughs for turning the soil or ships for getting through the water or weapons with which to fight their enemies. To be some kind of a hero has been the ambition of spirited boys from the beginning of history; and if you want to know what the men and women of a country care for most, you must study their heroes. To the boy the hero stands for the highest success: to the grown man and woman he stands for the deepest and richest life.
Men have always worked with their hands, but they have never been content with that kind of work; they have looked up from the fields and watched the sun and stars; they have cut wood for their fires in the forest, but they have noticed the life which goes on among the trees and they have heard the mysterious sounds which often fill the air in the remotest places. From the beginning men have not only used their hands but their intellect and their imagination; they have had to work or starve, but they have seen the world, thought about it and dreamed about it.
They had worked and thought and dreamed only a little time before they began to explain the marvelous earth on which they found themselves and the strange things that happened in it; the vastness and beauty of the fields, woods,
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