Chamberss Edinburgh Journal, No. 443 | Page 2

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by residing on the sea-coast, and enjoying a view of the
grand scenes of nature which will there present themselves--such as,
the rising and setting of the sun over the blue expanse of the waters,
and the awful majesty of the waves during a storm.' Now, if all patients
were alike impressionable, this would be sound doctrine; but, as it is,
few see the sun rise at all, many retire before the dews of evening begin
to condense, and almost all shut themselves carefully up during a

The poetry of life, we need hardly say, is not associated exclusively
with the things of external nature:
All thoughts, all passions, all delights, Whatever stirs this mortal frame,
are likewise a portion of the materials which it informs as with a soul.
For poetry does not create, but modify. It is neither passion nor power;
neither beauty nor love; but to one of these it gives exaltation, to
another majesty; to one enchantment, to another divinity. It is not the
light of 'the sun when it shines, nor of the moon walking in brightness,'
but the glory of the one, and the grace and loveliness of the other. It is
not instruction, but that which lends to instruction a loftier character,
ascending from the finite to the infinite. It is not morality, but that
which deepens the moral impression, and sends the thrill of spiritual
beauty throughout the whole being. But its appeals, says an eloquent
writer, are mainly 'to those affections that are apt to become indolent
and dormant amidst the commerce of the world;' and it aims at the
'revival of those purer and more enthusiastic feelings which are
associated with the earlier and least selfish period of our existence.
Immersed in business, which, if it sharpen the edge of intellect, leaves
the heart barren; toiling after material wealth or power, and struggling
with fortune for existence; seeing selfishness reflected all around us
from the hard and glittering surface of society as from a cold and
polished mirror; it would go hard with man in adversity, perhaps still
more in prosperity, if some resource were not provided for him, which,
under the form of an amusement and recreation, administered a secret
but powerful balsam in the one case, and an antidote in the other.'
Poetry elevates some of our emotions, disinters others from the rubbish
of the world, heightens what is mean, transforms what is unsightly,
Clothing the palpable and the familiar With golden exhalations of the
It is a spiritual wine which revives the weary denizen of the vale of
tears, and softens, warms, and stimulates, without the reaction of
material cordials. 'It gives him wings,' says another writer, 'and lifts
him out of the dirt; and leads him into green valleys; and carries him up
to high places, and shews him at his feet the earth and all its glories.'

The poetry of life, therefore, although one of those expressions that
baffle definition, points to something of vast importance to the
happiness of men and the progress of the race. It is no idle dream, no
mere amusement of the fancy. Whenever we feel a generous thrill on
hearing of a great action--that is poetry. Whenever we are conscious of
a larger and loftier sympathy than is implied in the exercise of some
common duty of humanity--that is poetry. Whenever we look upon the
hard realities of life through a medium that softens and relieves
them--that medium is poetry. Without poetry, there is no loftiness in
friendship, no devotedness in love. The feelings even of the young
mother watching her sleeping child till her eyes are dim with happiness,
are one half poetry. Hark! there is music on the evening air, always a
delightful incident in the most delightful scene; and here there are ruins,
and woods, and waters, all the adjuncts of a picture. This is beauty; but
if we breathe over that beauty the spirit of poetry, see what a new
creation it becomes, and what a permanent emotion it excites!
The splendour falls on castle walls, And snowy summits, old in story;
The long light shakes across the lakes, And the wild cataract leaps in
glory. Blow, bugle blow, set the wild echoes flying; Blow bugle,
answer echoes, dying, dying, dying.
O hark! O hear! how thin and clear, And thinner, clearer, further going;
O sweet and far, from cliff and scar, The horns of Elfland faintly
blowing! Blow, let us hear the purple glens replying; Blow bugle,
answer echoes, dying, dying, dying.
O love, they die in yon rich sky! They faint on field, and hill, and river;
Our echoes roll from soul to soul, And grow for ever and for ever.
Blow, bugle blow, set the wild echoes flying; And answer, echoes
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